Monthly Archives: August, 2012

Only Children More Likely to Be Overweight

A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Diabetes looked at more than 12,000 children and found that singletons are more likely to be overweight than children with siblings. In addition, siblings with larger age gap differences also show that the older child is more likely to be overweight. This interesting phenomenon is not clearly understood, but there is a definite association between being an only child and the risk of being overweight. Thus, more research needs to be conducted to unravel this mystery. What can parents do to help their singletons maintain a healthy weight?
For more information, visit Nutrition and Diabetes.

Chocolate may lower men’s stroke risk

A new Swedish study published in the Journal of Neurology, suggests that eating chocolate may lower the risk of stroke by 17% in men. Chocolate contains antioxidant properties which could reduce blood pressure, increase “good” (HDL) cholesterol, and improve blood vessel function. The participants who ate more chocolate in this study were better educated and led a healthier lifestyle than their peers. Therefore, researchers could not conclude that risk of stroke reduction was solely due to chocolate consumption.  What are the warning signs of stroke that patients should be aware of?

For more information, visit CNN News.

First-Of-Its-Kind Study Finds Lack Of Sleep To Be A New Risk Factor For Aggressive Breast Cancers

New findings of research led by Cheryl Thompson, PhD and published in the Breast Cancer Research and Treatment suggest that lack of sleep can be associated with more aggressive breast cancer tumors. Researchers used Oncotype DX testing and found that post-menopausal women are more likely to develop aggressive breast cancer tumors and also have a higher chance of recurrence. However, there was no correlation between sleep and tumor aggressiveness in pre-menopausal women due to a different underlying pathway in breast cancer development. What obstacles prevent you from getting enough sleep and what can you do to overcome them?

For more information, visit University Hospitals.

Less chronic disease in store for fit 50-year-olds

A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that middle aged people have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases if they are more fit. It was previously believed that the chronic diseases was inevitable and were just delayed by maintaining a healthier lifestyle, but the results of the study showed that the rate of chronic diseases were significantly reduced in both males and females. A healthy lifestyle does not only mean exercising, but it also includes a healthy diet, not smoking, limiting alcohol use, having blood pressure and cholesterol levels within normal limits. What are the challenges that middle aged adults face that prevent them from living a healthy lifestyle and how can you encourage make the needed change?


For more information, visit Archives of Internal Medicine.

Employing Dietitians Pays Off for Supermarkets

Does your supermarket provide an assistance of a dietitian? Chains like Hy-Vee, Wegman, Giant Eagle, Mejer, Basha’s and H-E-B consider dietitians to be valuable members of the staff.  They provide in store consultations, tours to the customers, cooking classes, set up community gardens, offer demonstrations to variety of groups and more.   When many chronic diseases can benefit from dietary interventions having a healthcare professional in a supermarket chain is a very wise investment.  How could you inspire your supermarket to follow these examples?

For additional information please visit New York Times.

Coconut water is an excellent sports drink ― for light exercise

Coconut water is an excellent sports drink ― for light exercise
A new analysis of coconut water was reported during the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).  Many people are aware that coconut water is a good source of electrolytes.  The American diet consists of high amount of sodium and not enough potassium.  Drinking coconut water can restore the balance, by replenishing much needed potassium lost from exercise and necessary for recovery and muscle cramp reduction. What other foods/drinks do you consume that provide body with electrolytes and help to recover after exercising?

For additional information please visit American Chemical Society.

Deaths in Salmonella Outbreak Traced to Cantaloupe

There has been a recent salmonella outbreak traced to cantaloupes in 20-states leaving half of the infected consumers hospitalized, including two deaths. While there are reports of salmonella from farms in south-western Indiana, there are also reports of listeria from Burch Farms, and Cottle Strawberry Inc. from North Carolina. Therefore, it is advised to avoid eating all cantaloupes and honeydew melons until further notice. Considering the recent reports of bacterial contamination in food, how do you educate your patients and loved ones to avoid the risk?

For additional information please visit Web MD.


Cereal bars: Healthy image a myth

Many of us eat cereal bars as snacks.  A consumer report study by “Which?” analyzed 30 cereal bars and found that large number of contain at least 30% of sugar (20% of daily recommended allowance) and fat (included saturated fat). It is important to read and understand the nutritional information of products we consume. What are your favorite snacks?  How often do you change your choice of snack based on the nutritional label?

For additional information please visit BBC News Health.

Computer Exercises Can Help Reduce Alzheimer’s Symptoms

Billions of people worldwide will be affected with Alzheimer’s disease. Harvard Medical School professor, Alvaro Pascual-Leone is investigating NeuroAD Medical Device, now being used at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center to treat Alzheimer patients. This device stimulates brain electromagnetically and is combined with cognitive training on a computer screen to activate certain brain connections.  It might be more effective than medications we have today. What interventions (lifestyle changes, supplementation, and more) have you found to be effective to help slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease?

For additional information, please click here.

Walnuts ‘improve sperm health.’

Roughly 17% of couples are infertile. A recent publication in the Journal Biology of Reproduction suggests an improvement in sperm health in men who incorporate walnuts in their daily diet. The researchers followed 117 men divided into two groups. One group added walnuts to their daily diet, and the other group avoided eating tree nuts over 12 weeks. Those who ate two handfuls of walnuts daily had a statistically significant increase in sperm quality. For what reasons do you suggest incorporating nuts into diet?

For additional information, please click here.