Tag Archives: Hypertension

Probiotics might help lower blood pressure


A new review published in the journal Hypertension evaluated results of multiple trials concluding that daily consumption of probiotics can reduced blood pressure levels by 2 to 3 mm Hg. Even though this is not a significant reduction, probiotics in general have multiple  benefits. What are your favorite sources of probiotics?

For additional information, please see Reuters Health.

“Image courtesy of [Apolonia]/FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

TV watching linked to decreased heart health

Watch TVRecent study published in British Journal of Sports Medicine found that long hours of TV watching and sedentary life style in general can damage your arteries. The study included adults in their 30’s who filled out questionnaires regarding their TV watching and exercise habits. The results showed that participants who watched longer hours of TV had stiffer arteries a few years later. The changes can increase the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, exercise did not reverse the effects from a sedentary life style. The research recommends no more than 2 hours of sitting in front of the TV or laptop. What activities can you incorporate while watching TV? Have you evaluated if your lifestyle is sedentary?


For more information, click here.

Image courtesy of [Ambro] / freedigitalphotos.net

More Evidence That Adding Nuts is a Healthy Choice

Researchers are exploring the benefits of consuming a small portion of nuts per day with a low-calorie diet. There have been some speculation as to whether or not nut intake would increase the risk of obesity. However, studies have shown that incorporating nuts in diets may help improve high blood pressure, diabetes and lower the risk of death. Researchers and physicians recommend only a handful of nuts a day is needed to provide optimal health benefits. What other high fat foods do you routinely recommend to your patients?

For additional information, please check Reuters. Image courtesy Wikipedia.

Black Tea Lowers the Rate of Blood Pressure Variation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports an association between black tea consumption and  high blood pressure reduction during the night. In this trial, 111 participants were studied and assigned to either consume 3 cups of black tea per day or flavonoid-free caffeine-matched beverage. Blood pressure readings along with other vital signs were monitored throughout the day. Results of the study conclude that compared to control group, the subjects that consumed black tea had significant reduction in their blood pressure. What beverages to you typically recommend to reduce blood pressure? What other lifestyle changes can patients consider to improve their cardiovascular health?


For additional information, please go to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Images courtesy of, Maren Caruso/GettyImages



Drinking One Cup of Beetroot Juice Daily May Help Lower Blood Pressure

In the United States more than 70 million people are diagnosed with high blood pressure, a major risk factor to cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarctions and strokes. The American Heart Association (AHA) journal, Hypertension, published the results of a small trial which assessed the clinical effects of drinking one cup of beetroot juice a day. Each serving contains about 0.2g of nitrate, which promotes vasodilation and therefore reduces blood pressure. The study subjects drank 250mL of beetroot juice and were monitored over a 24 hour period. Results show that the subject’s blood pressure readings had decreased about 10mmHg. The AHA and USDA are trying to encourage the public to increase their daily intake of vegetables in order to incorporate healthy amounts of nitrate in their diets. What other vegetables and/or foods do you recommend for their ability to reduce blood pressure?

For more information, please go to American Heart Association

Egg White Protein May Help High Blood Pressure

189_egg_in_the_shade_rtgA new study presented this week at the 245th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), provided evidence that egg whites have the potential to reduce blood pressure. Researchers discovered that the protein peptide, RVPSL, contains angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor properties similar to that of conventional blood pressure lowering medications. This new evidence allows for further research on effects of the egg white peptide on human health. What other foods do you recommend to your hypertensive patients? How often do you incorporate egg whites in your diet?

For additonal information, please click Science Daily

Image courtesy of Grant Conchrane/FreeDigitalPhotos