Author Archive: jingbosun

Keep fruit and vegetables in daylight to boost nutrients

Current Biology published a study regarding the best way to store fruits and vegetables to obtain the most benefit. The study found fruits and vegetables follow a 24-hour plant clock. Food crops can alter the internal chemical level throughout the day in order to ward off pests. Storing fruits and vegetables under the light-dark cycles helps them to preserve more nutrients. Glucosinates, a chemical with anti-cancer property is produced by cabbage in the day; refrigerated cabbage on the opposite produced less glucosinates. Further tests revealed many other crops (e.g., lettuce, spinach, courgettes, sweet potatoes, carrots and blueberries) also follow the same light-dark cycle. Please share your thoughts on the result of this study. How do you typically store your fruits or vegetables?

For the full article, click here.

Obesity in Teenagers Is Tied to Hearing Loss

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The Laryngoscope recently published a study regarding the relationship between hearing loss and teen obesity which reached epidemic proportions in the US. Researchers looked at 1,488 overweight boys and girls between ages 12 to 19, coming to conclusion that hearing loss is another health risk in this population. The hearing loss might occur due to inflammation caused by obesity and will progress from one ear to both in adulthood. What weight loss strategies do you recommend for obese teenagers?

To access for the complete study, click here.

Effect of green tea on reward learning in healthy individuals; a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study

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The Nutrition Journal published a study regarding the effect of green tea has on reward learning in healthy individuals. Reward learning is related to situation when the brain releases dopamine after making a right choice. This is the reason why the learner feels good and repeats the action in the future. The study in 64 healthy individuals suggests that chronic use of green tea can improve reward learning, thus decrease depression symptoms. Please share your thought about this study, learning in general or use of green tea for patients with depression.

To access the full article, click here.

Eating more red meat tied to higher diabetes risk

Journal of American Medical Association Internal Medicine just published a study about the correlation of red meat and diabetes risk. Currently in the US, about 26 million people have Diabetes, with 95 percent of those cases being Type 2 Diabetes. The study followed about 149,000 US men and women for 12-16 years and found that decreased consumption of red meat lowers the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 14 % in the long run. What alternatives to red meat do you recommend to your patients for maintenance of a healthy diet?

To access the complete study, click here.

Cheating Ourselves of Sleep

NY Times recently published an article about the harmful effects of sleep deprivation from the compilation of studies done in the past. Nowadays, millions of people are sleeping less than eight hours a day, which can affect the body negatively in many ways. Studies have shown those who have inadequate sleep may have lower memory and learning ability. People with less sleep and poor quality of sleep also present with less creativity, productivity and emotional stability. Other physical health problems caused by not enough sleep include cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, metabolic and cognitive problems. Since summer is in session, everyone is more active and outgoing. How are summer activities affecting the amount and quality of your sleep?

For the full article, click here.

What’s in your green tea?

A report published by finds that the purity and amount of antioxidants amounts of green tea varies from different consumer products. Green tea brewed from loose tea leaves is the best choice,since bottled teas may contain mostly sugar water.  Some loose leaves may contain lead although the lead is not found in the liquid portion of the tea after brewing. How selective are you in the green tea you consume and recommend to your patients?

For the full article, please click here.